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Red Hot Chili Peppers - We Turn Red - Testi - TrovaCd
Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Getaway




17 giugno 2016

Pop Rock









5 giorni dall'ordine


€ 10,60


3.  We Turn Red

We got large and we got small
We got a swimming pool and a cannon ball
We turn red and we turn green
It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen

Lost my mind ’cause I’m on the plastic
Who knew it’s so damn drastic
Show me what it is you believe in
Slowly she sinks all her teeth in
Do you want to go fishing in New Orleans
Do you want to get up early in the morning
Take me to the river where we do the little storming
Hallelujah, I feel it warming

Sitting here I count the moons
The orders we obeyed
Every night ’fore we go to bed
I watch while the others pray

Send it off through Delaware just
Make it fair for the legionnaires
Paint a simple portrait of my kind
Permission to the heartless bombs
Gold Plated Hate and the waitress moms
Serving up the stories of my mind

Mexico, you are my neighbor
Home of the let’s be braver
Give me all your sick and your tired
Races that we admire
Do you want to go dancing in Chicago
Trinidad’s got it bad for Tobago
Take me to the lake where we do the Avocado
Hallelujah, a desparado

Sitting here I count the moons
The orders we obeyed
Every night ’fore we go to bed
I watch while the others pray

Send it off through Delaware just
Make it fair for the legionnaires
Paint a simple portrait of my kind
Permission to the heartless bombs
Gold Plated Hate and the waitress moms
Serving up the stories of my mind

Coming down from the deserts where you
Caught a glimpse of the billionaire
Tell me I’m the right one for the ride
Paper signs out on the lawns
Gold minds and the priceless pawns
Does your canyon really open wide

We got large and we got small
We got a swimming pool and a cannon ball
We turn red and we turn green
It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen

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